Title: Version 9.22 Release Candidate 4 Post by: ChromeAngel on December 23, 2018, 04:39:18 PM This week's release is version 9.21, the fourth candidate for the final version of Exterminatus. This version includes a fix for the countdown and updates to ex_exchange and csm_trench.
(http://www.40ksource.com/refs/ex_install.png) (https://www.moddb.com/mods/exterminatus/downloads/exterimatus-922-rc4-installer) Release Candidate Installer 9.22 (https://www.moddb.com/mods/exterminatus/downloads/exterimatus-922-rc4-installer) ( 1.63gb ) Release Candidate 7Zip 9.22 (https://www.moddb.com/mods/exterminatus/downloads/exterimatus-922-rc4-zip) ( 1.61gb ) There is not patch upgrade from 9.21, this requires a fresh install of EX, replacing the previous stable build. Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
Install the latest Exterminatus Release Candidate
The ModDB mirrors unlock at 16:00 GMT, if it's busy or not working the installer can be downloaded from 40ksource.com (http://www.40ksource.com/files/Exterminatus-9.22RC4.exe). Please try the ModDB first. Tweaks
Future Plans Providing no new issues are found in version 9.22, a long-term, stable, version will be released in late-December. (http://www.40ksource.com/refs/BannerSmall.png) |