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Author Topic: New Marine Player Models  (Read 19062 times)
Marine Chaplain
Posts: 1267

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« on: May 05, 2019, 12:27:38 PM »

Warhammer 40k fan and Source artist Joazzz has contributed to Exterminatus a set of new space marine player models and skins.  Joazzz seems to have really responded to the previous news item about how excited everyone was about him making new marines and finally managed to deliver on his promise.

This update to Exterminatus is thanks to Joazzz, without whom it would not have happened.  If you see him in-game or on the Discord don't forget to thank him.

If you already have version 9.22 you can upgrade by extracting the patch to your Sorucemods folder, where it will overwrite some of the files in your ex folder.

The ModDB mirrors unlock at 13:00 BST, if it's busy or not working the installer can be downloaded from  Please try the ModDB first.

Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
  • Navigate to the "Tools" section on your Steam games "Library"
  • Install the "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer"
  • Run the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer at least once.
  • You can exit once the menu has finished loading.

Install the latest Exterminatus
  • If you already have EX, delete it.
  • Run the alpha installer and follow it's instructions.
  • Restart Steam.  You should now see Exterminatus listed in your library.

  • New Tactical marine player model and Ultramarine skins by Joazzz, rigging and animation by ChromeAngel.
  • New Veteran marine player model.
  • New Specialist marine player model.
  • New Assault marine player model.
  • New Heavy marine player model.
  • New Terminator player model.

Known Issues
  • The scout player model and skins don't match the new marine models.
  • The dreadnaught player model and skins don't match the new marine models.
  • Terminator armour "clips" through the terminator's weapons as the new model is much bulkier.
  • Marine model animations skill look janky as they have been recycled from the previous marine models.
  • The first person view models (hands) don't match the new player models.
  • The existing chapter packs don't work with the new marine models.

Future Plans
Joazzz is working on an overhaul for the dreadnaught and has offered to re-skin the scout to match the new marine models he's contributed.  Joazzz has also expressed an interest is making new chaos marine variants.

A set of templates and instructions for re-skinning the new marine models is ChromeAngel's next piece of work, to enable anyone to make their own chapter skins for these shiny new marine models.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 01:43:33 PM by ChromeAngel » Logged

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