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 on: May 05, 2019, 12:27:38 PM 
Started by ChromeAngel - Last post by ChromeAngel
Warhammer 40k fan and Source artist Joazzz has contributed to Exterminatus a set of new space marine player models and skins.  Joazzz seems to have really responded to the previous news item about how excited everyone was about him making new marines and finally managed to deliver on his promise.

This update to Exterminatus is thanks to Joazzz, without whom it would not have happened.  If you see him in-game or on the Discord don't forget to thank him.

If you already have version 9.22 you can upgrade by extracting the patch to your Sorucemods folder, where it will overwrite some of the files in your ex folder.

The ModDB mirrors unlock at 13:00 BST, if it's busy or not working the installer can be downloaded from  Please try the ModDB first.

Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
  • Navigate to the "Tools" section on your Steam games "Library"
  • Install the "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer"
  • Run the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer at least once.
  • You can exit once the menu has finished loading.

Install the latest Exterminatus
  • If you already have EX, delete it.
  • Run the alpha installer and follow it's instructions.
  • Restart Steam.  You should now see Exterminatus listed in your library.

  • New Tactical marine player model and Ultramarine skins by Joazzz, rigging and animation by ChromeAngel.
  • New Veteran marine player model.
  • New Specialist marine player model.
  • New Assault marine player model.
  • New Heavy marine player model.
  • New Terminator player model.

Known Issues
  • The scout player model and skins don't match the new marine models.
  • The dreadnaught player model and skins don't match the new marine models.
  • Terminator armour "clips" through the terminator's weapons as the new model is much bulkier.
  • Marine model animations skill look janky as they have been recycled from the previous marine models.
  • The first person view models (hands) don't match the new player models.
  • The existing chapter packs don't work with the new marine models.

Future Plans
Joazzz is working on an overhaul for the dreadnaught and has offered to re-skin the scout to match the new marine models he's contributed.  Joazzz has also expressed an interest is making new chaos marine variants.

A set of templates and instructions for re-skinning the new marine models is ChromeAngel's next piece of work, to enable anyone to make their own chapter skins for these shiny new marine models.

 on: January 10, 2019, 10:27:56 PM 
Started by ChromeAngel - Last post by ChromeAngel
Sorry, it a bit overdue, but we've got another stable release of Extermainatus for all you 40k fans.  This version features an announcer system with custom events for each of the three teams, updated voice lines and maps.

It's starting to look very much like this might also be the last version of Exterminatus.  Please keep EX on your RSS feed / mod watch though, just in case.  Read the Developer News section below to find out why.

There is no patch to upgrade from 9.21, this version requires a fresh install of EX, replacing the previous stable build.

Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
  • Navigate to the "Tools" section on your Steam games "Library"
  • Install the "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer"
  • Run the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer at least once.
  • You can exit once the menu has finished loading.

Install the latest Exterminatus
  • If you already have EX, delete it.
  • Run the alpha installer and follow it's instructions.
  • Restart Steam.  You should now see Exterminatus listed in your library.

The option to create Desktop shortcut has been added to the installer, this will launch the EX with Steam Overlay support (which does not work if you start a mod from the Steam library).   This shortcut depends on the Source Multiplayer SDK being installed in the default Steam Library location, so may not work on all systems.

Developer News
Mod leader ChromeAngel has decided, after twelve years of continual development, not to do any new development on EX.  As the only coder, animator, news writer, release manager he's decided to limit himself to just what needs to be done to implement others work to EX (which has all but stopped since July 2018).  This release represents ChromeAngel's efforts to make good on that goal and integrate as many of the backlog of contributions into the mod as possible.

A detailed change log of all the new features, tweaks, bug fixes and balance changes since the last major release can be found on the Moddb article What's new in 9.22

The EX contributors were disappointed to learn that Kharos found the workload of creating new animations for the new space marine models (announced with the last major release) was too much for him.  Shortly after Joazzz revealed that he'd also changed his mind about contributing those same space marine models to EX, further crushing the community spirit.  Sadly it looks like we won't be seeing those hot new models in EX after all.

Future Plans
Without new contributions of content, this could well be the last release of Exterminatus.  Games will continue to be scheduled and organised through the EX Steam Community Group for anyone that wants to play.  Twelve years is a good run for a mod, we've learnt a lot, played thousands of rounds and purged tens of thousands of xenos and heretics.


 on: December 23, 2018, 04:39:18 PM 
Started by ChromeAngel - Last post by ChromeAngel
This week's release is version 9.21, the fourth candidate for the final version of Exterminatus.  This version includes a fix for the countdown and updates to ex_exchange and csm_trench.  

There is not patch upgrade from 9.21, this requires a fresh install of EX, replacing the previous stable build.

Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
  • Navigate to the "Tools" section on your Steam games "Library"
  • Install the "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer"
  • Run the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer at least once.
  • You can exit once the menu has finished loading.

Install the latest Exterminatus Release Candidate
  • If you already have EX, delete it.
  • Run the alpha installer and follow it's instructions.
  • Restart Steam.  You should now see Exterminatus listed in your library.

The ModDB mirrors unlock at 16:00 GMT, if it's busy or not working the installer can be downloaded from  Please try the ModDB first.

  • Reworked the announcer countdown to work entirely client side this should eliminate any stammers and synchronise it better with the end of the round.
  • Re-oriented the dropzones on the bridge in csm_trench and added some small aesthetic details.
  • Added more details to distinguish the sides of the marketplace in ex_echange and moved the marketplace objectives closer to their dropzones.

Future Plans
Providing no new issues are found in version 9.22, a long-term, stable, version will be released in late-December.

 on: December 16, 2018, 10:46:55 AM 
Started by ChromeAngel - Last post by ChromeAngel
This week's release is a map patch for version 9.21, the third release candidate.  This patch includes new versions of csm_trench and ex_exchange.  

This patch requires version 9.21 AKA Release Candidate 3.

Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
  • Navigate to the "Tools" section on your Steam games "Library"
  • Install the "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer"
  • Run the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer at least once.
  • You can exit once the menu has finished loading.

Install the map patch
  • Download the patch.
  • Find your Sourcemods folder (usualy c:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Sourcemods\).
  • Extract the contents of the zip file into your Sourcemods folder (this will overwrite the updated maps).

  • Added team specific triggers to the end bunker doors in csm_trench and changed the door colours to clue newly spawned players as to where they exit to.
  • Extended the marketplace in ex_exchange (to make it harder to cap both sides in a short time).
  • Gave the loyalist spawn area in ex_exchange the same connectivity as it's chaos counterpart to make it more defensible.  Also removed some particularly camping sandbags.
  • Moved the first objective for each team in ex_exchange closer to their spawn rooms to make them more defensible.

  • Nerfed Knife damage from 28 to 22 (Only on ChromeAngel's server).

Future Plans
Providing no new issues are found in version 9.21, a long-term, stable, version will be released in late-December.  I plan to discuss with the EX community scheduling future event, so that the mod does no die completely with this release.

 on: December 02, 2018, 04:09:02 PM 
Started by ChromeAngel - Last post by ChromeAngel
This week's release is version 9.21, the third candidate for the final version of Exterminatus.  This version includes a fix for the sniper rifle exploit and updates the tutorial.  

All changes since version 9.15 have been rolled up into a single set, ready for release.  There is not patch upgrade from 9.19, this requires a fresh install of EX, replacing the last stable build.

Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
  • Navigate to the "Tools" section on your Steam games "Library"
  • Install the "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer"
  • Run the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer at least once.
  • You can exit once the menu has finished loading.

Install the latest Exterminatus Release Candidate
  • If you already have EX, delete it.
  • Run the alpha installer and follow it's instructions.
  • Restart Steam.  You should now see Exterminatus listed in your library.

The ModDB mirrors unlock at 16:00 GMT, if it's busy or not working the installer can be downloaded from  Please try the ModDB first.

  • Updated the tutorial by removing the team swap option , adding a breakable objective and a propper exit , some of the rooms were also decorated up a bit.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an exploit where the sniper rifle could be use to snap of 2 shots in very quick succession.

Future Plans
Providing no new issues are found in version 9.21, a long-term, stable, version will be released in mid-December.  I plan to discuss with the EX community scheduling future event, so that the mod does no die completely with this release.

 on: November 11, 2018, 01:18:30 PM 
Started by ChromeAngel - Last post by ChromeAngel
This week's release is version 9.20, a candidate for the final version of Exterminatus.  This version includes a fix for the sniper rifle exploit, terminator jump animations for both the loyalist and chaos terminators and more detailed textures for the drop pod model.  

All changes since version 9.15 have been rolled up into a single set, ready for release.  There is not patch upgrade from 9.19, this requires a fresh install of EX, replacing the last stable build.

Release Candidate 2 was released on Sunday the 18th of November, replacing RC 1 and including some of the features detailed below that should have been included in the first version.

Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
  • Navigate to the "Tools" section on your Steam games "Library"
  • Install the "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer"
  • Run the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer at least once.
  • You can exit once the menu has finished loading.

Install the latest Exterminatus Release Candidate
  • If you already have EX, delete it.
  • Run the alpha installer and follow it's instructions.
  • Restart Steam.  You should now see Exterminatus listed in your library.

The ModDB mirrors unlock at 14:00 GMT, if it's busy or not working the installer can be downloaded from  Please try the ModDB first.

  • Added detail to the skin of Clay_more's drop pod model.
  • Improved the terminator jump animation, blending jumping with the correct aiming pose.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an exploit where the sniper rifle could be use to snap of 2 shots in very quick succession.

Future Plans
Following the release of Alpha 9.19 the contributors that intended to work on the marine player model overhaul notified the rest of the development team that they will not longer be developing new animations, although models using the existing animation set are a possibility.  

Providing no new issues are found in version 9.20, a long-term, stable, version will be released in mid-December.  I plan to discuss with the EX community scheduling future event, so that the mod does no die completely with this release.

 on: October 21, 2018, 11:37:53 AM 
Started by ChromeAngel - Last post by ChromeAngel
Alpha 9.19 has a new space marine drop pod model, some tweaks and bug fixes.

Please note the patch version can only be used to upgrade from version 9.18 to 9.19.

Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
  • Navigate to the "Tools" section on your Steam games "Library"
  • Install the "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer"
  • Run the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer at least once.
  • You can exit once the menu has finished loading.

Install the latest Exterminatus Alpha
  • If you already have EX alpha, delete it.
  • Run the alpha installer and follow it's instructions.
  • Restart Steam.  You should now see the Exterminatus Alpha listed in your library.

The ModDB mirrors unlock at 12:00 GMT, if it's busy or not working the installer can be downloaded from  Please try the ModDB first.

  • Drop Pod model by Clay_more, skins and animations by ChromeAngel.  For use in new maps, eith decoratively or as an objective marker / spawn point.  Skin details are incomplete and expect to be finished by 9.20.
  • New version of the lab map for testing the scale and animations of the Drop Pod.

  • Re-skinned a pillar prop contributed so long ago Iit's author is now lost to time (maybe Nic2).  Can be seen in ex_valley and both versions of city_conflict.
  • Added a imperial terminator jump animation.  Initially terminators did not have the ability to jump, so the model was created without a jump animation.  There is known bug where he doesn't hold his weapon pose while jumping, IMHO this is better than the T-pose jump from previous builds.
  • Tweaks to improve the look of csm_city_conflict.  Added chaos decals, restored the skybox, re-aligned some prop models.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an edge case bug where the Imperium wins by killing all the opposing team and an objective is captured (even if it's the imperials starting objective).

I (Chromeangel) have attempted to fix the apothecaries missing narcathium jump animation (as the terminator was).  The animation and activity seem to be correct in the model, but for an unknown reason does not get played in-game.

Weekly calls for new contributions have been met with deathly silence since alpha 9.18.  

The new player models promised by Joazzz and announced with the last major release have not been delivered.  They may be held up at the animation phase as Kharos has had trouble with his Source Film Maker files being corrupted.

Hope on the horizon
A player called Krieg has contacted me on the EX Discord and expressed an interest in doing some coding work for EX.  He's never developed a Source mod before and may not even know C++.   He's trying to get started anyway.

Future Plans
Next month I plan to finish the Drop Pod skin and fix up the terminator Jump with weapon aiming.  I will then compile the changes since 9.15 into what will be the final version of EX in the foreseeable future.

 on: September 16, 2018, 01:25:29 PM 
Started by ChromeAngel - Last post by ChromeAngel
Alpha 9.18 features new voice work to the spacemarines and chaos space marines when they are injured.  Added new chaos version of the city conflict map.  Updated ex_city_contflct, ex_bunker and csm_thunderhawk with the default timer flag, so they should get announcements of their time limits.

This news post was delayed due to a server upgrade that went awry.  The actual release was on 22/09/2018

Please note the patch version can only be used to upgrade from version 9.17 to 9.18.

Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
  • Navigate to the "Tools" section on your Steam games "Library"
  • Install the "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer"
  • Run the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer at least once.
  • You can exit once the menu has finished loading.

Install the latest Exterminatus Alpha
  • If you already have EX alpha, delete it.
  • Run the alpha installer and follow it's instructions.
  • Restart Steam.  You should now see the Exterminatus Alpha listed in your library.

  • Players will make pain noises when there health drops below 90%, 50% and 10%.  Uses sounds recorded by Bulkwark and edited by Dontask4470.  This feature uses the same rate limiter as battle cries, so by design they don't always play.
  • New chaos version of city conflict by Dark Marine called csm_city_conflict.   This will mess with the heads of veteran players Tongue

  • Updated ex_city_conflict, ex_bunker and csm_thunderhawk with the default timer flag.
  • Added 5 extra points of fire resistance to terminator armour.

Bug Fixes
  • Updated Announcer system logic to give correct announcements for victory and defeat.
  • Regenerated the sound cache to address some weird blips, pops as screeches in sound playback.

 on: September 02, 2018, 11:37:30 AM 
Started by ChromeAngel - Last post by ChromeAngel
Alpha 9.17 features updated voice work to the spacemarines , chaos space marines and the announcer system and updates to ex_exchange.  A significant bug in the auto-balance system has also been fixed.

The ModDB mirrors unlock at 13:00 GMT, if it's busy or not working the installer can be downloaded from  Please try the ModDB first.

Please note the patch version can only be used to upgrade from version 9.16 to 9.17.

Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
  • Navigate to the "Tools" section on your Steam games "Library"
  • Install the "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer"
  • Run the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer at least once.
  • You can exit once the menu has finished loading.

Install the latest Exterminatus Alpha
  • If you already have EX alpha, delete it.
  • Run the alpha installer and follow it's instructions.
  • Restart Steam.  You should now see the Exterminatus Alpha listed in your library.

The option to create Desktop shortcut has been added in this week's installer.  This shortcut should launch the EX alpha with Steam Overlay support, but does depend on the Source Multiplayer SDK being installed in the default Steam Library location.  Please let me know how this works out for you.

  • Updated Announcer system sounds remixed by DontAsk4470.
  • Updated Announcer system to attempt to prevent spamming of objective under threat messages.
  • Updated Space marine system sounds remixed by DontAsk4470.
  • Updated Chaos space marine system sounds remixed by DontAsk4470.
  • Updated map ex_exchange by WhiteLighting, updates by ChromeAngel. Remove the timer that does nothing.  Reduced natural light intensity, added vent and shop lighting.
  • Tweaked the offset of the knife view model to prevent the tops of the arms being visible.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed auto-balance bug that prevented some players joining a team when both teams were balanced and the score was also balanced.
  • Fixed missing turret destruction sound.
  • Fixed missing hand textures for the scouts boltgun.

 on: August 26, 2018, 09:23:35 AM 
Started by ChromeAngel - Last post by ChromeAngel
Alpha 9.16 features an announcer system and updates to csm_trench, ex_bunker and ex_exchange.

The ModDB mirrors unlock at 12:00 GMT, if it's busy or not working the installer can be downloaded from  Please try the ModDB first.

Install the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer
  • Navigate to the "Tools" section on your Steam games "Library"
  • Install the "Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer"
  • Run the Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer at least once.
  • You can exit once the menu has finished loading.

Install the latest Exterminatus Alpha
  • If you already have EX alpha, delete it.
  • Run the alpha installer and follow it's instructions.
  • Restart Steam.  You should now see the Exterminatus Alpha listed in your library.

  • Announcer system with roughly 60 new voice lines from Bulwark (edited by DontAsk4470).

  • Updated map ex_exchange by WhiteLighting, updates by ChromeAngel.  Quick and dirty texturing, lighting and some dreadnought accessibility.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed leak in map ex_bunker plugged by ChromeAngel.
  • Fixed some glitches in map csm_trench by ChromeAngel.
  • Fixed the stretched crosshair when aiming at a player.

I would like to thank Kharos, Bulwark, Dontask4470 and Whitelighting for their patience as they wait to see how their contributions are received by the other EX players.

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